A Pueblo Zebulon Pike Expedition
The Zebulon M. Pike Curriculum Guide
The Historic Arkansas Riverwalk of Pueblo began planning for the Bicentennial of Zebulon Pike’s Expedition in 2005. Planning included the development of a curriculum guide that would encourage regional educators to discover the history of southeastern Colorado through this remarkable expedition that paralleled the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
A partnership was developed with members of the Keating Education Center Staff to create standards based thematic/cross curricular units focusing on the Pike Expedition. The goal of the project is to tie the learning community of Pueblo together with the Historic Arkansas Riverwalk of Pueblo utilizing Pike Plaza and the Boettcher Outdoor Education Center. With the aid of CSU-Pueblo, six academic disciplines joined to create valid and relevant lessons for students.
This curriculum education guide for Pike covers a five-day unit. It is based on Colorado State and District 60 standards. Each lesson is designed to be taught singularly or as a whole unit. All disciplines address a particular theme every day. Day one is involved with historical context—defining what was the early American West in the 1800s. Day two involves western exploration. Day three examines Pike’s life and family while day four looks at who was present in Colorado when Pike came here. The theme for day five is to feel and experience Pike at the Pike Plaza on the Historic Arkansas Riverwalk of Pueblo.
Pueblo Riverwalk Sponsors
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